The fundamental purpose of creation remains consistent for all creators: we aim to offer others something that can simplify their lives while providing enjoyment. VORM1 emerged from the desire to craft products individually, without the constraints often imposed by working for larger corporations.

In the history of working for such companies, the creative spirit was frequently restricted, limiting the potential to deliver the utmost satisfaction to customers. This led to the birth of VORM1.

VORM1 stands for the idea that you can make a positive impact in your own unique way by prioritizing the happiness of people. We adhere to principles of no mass production, no harm to individuals or animals during the crafting process, and a commitment to local production over outsourcing.

Why source a product from another country when you can create it locally? It's not about accumulating wealth; money serves as a means to sustain our existence. VORM1 was created for those exceptional souls who believe in fairness, personal connection, and the purity of a product.

What truly matters is appreciation. Appreciate the simplicity. Appreciate the functionality.


J.W. Waltz